RAM-CMS Configuration ====================== This documentation page is not finished. Please refer to config.php and read the comments inside to configure RAM-CMS fully. Basic Configuration -------------------- Basic Configuration is required in order for RAM-CMS to work. Many of the defaults, however, will likely work as-is. The Options (in the order they appear in config.php): $compress=false; This option, when set, will use PHP to compress your page content, thus dramatically saving bandwidth. If you run RAM-CMS on a busy or heavily loaded server, you may want to keep this setting off to save CPU and RAM resources. $conceal=false; This option, when set, will hide the RAM-CMS version number in both the [[ver]] and X-CMS header. $pages_dir='./pages/'; This specifies the directory where the actual web pages are to be stored. The default location is the "pages" subdirectory of your RAM-CMS installation. If you are parinoid about security you might want to change this, although in reality this isn't necessary since the files under "pages" all are .txt files that don't contain anything that couldn't be seen if requested through RAM-CMS, (basically information disclosure cannot happen since the RAM-CMS page format prevents this by design). $def_page='home'; This specifies the default page to show then no ?page= is specified. It is much like the index.html (Default.htm on IIS) file on web servers. 'home' is a good setting for most. $ext='.txt'; This specifies the default file extension for pages (these file live in $pages_dir). There shouldn't be any reason to change this. $ext_plugin='.php'; This specifies the default file extension for plugins (these file live in $pages_dir). There shouldn't be any reason to change this. $nicelinks=false; This tells RAM-CMS to generate page/page-name instead of ?page=page-name for all [link] bbcode statements, and also tells RAM-CMS to issue 301 permanent redirects from ?page=page-name to page/page-name. The use of this pretty uri feature requires a redirection handler on the server - the author of RAM-CMS uses apache mod_rewrite, but similar tools should work. $nocache=false; This tells RAM-CMS to allow browsers to cache the pages. If you update your site pages more than once an hour (this is how long clients can cache pages with this set to false) then you may want to turn this off. Note that only browsers are allowed to cache stuff with this false, no web proxies can cache any of this. Please note that this does not apply to elements included in a page, like images, but only to the page itself. The web server defaults apply to external page elements. $bbcode=true; This tells RAM-CMS to parse page files for BBCode. A complete list of supported BBCode tags and santax is in BBCODE.TXT Note that it is possible to mix raw HTML and BBCode in page files. $strip_whitespace=true; This tells RAM-CMS to strip whitespace to save bandwidth. if your server is overloaded turning this off might help performance. $site_name='My Site'; This sets the name of your site. This should be set to the name of your organization, company, etc. This text is represented by the [[site]] tag in the templates, in the title where the is page_name - site_name and in the header area of the page. It is highly suggested that you change this! $copyright='Copyright © 2008 Name_Of_Copyright_Holder.'; Copyright message to show on site. This appears in site templates at the [[copyright]] tag. It is highly suggested that you change this! ### Optional Settings ### none. ##################### ### Page Template ### ##################### $theme_file='plain-theme.txt'; This specifies the page theme config information. For currently intalled page themes look in the "themes" directory. The file specified here must exist in the "themes" directory. Get more themes from the RAM-CMS website, http://www.nongnu.org/ram-cms/