RAM-CMS Theme Documentation =========================== Note: this documentation is aimed mostly at theme developers. Many pre-made themes already exist in the themes directory. The current theme can be changed in the config file. RAM-CMS Theme Format ===================== Here is a simple example: [[title]] - [[site]]




Powered by RAM-CMS [[ver]] | Last Updated: [[updated]] |
RAM-CMS Special Theme Tags ========================== Here is the full list of RAM-CMS theme tags: TAG DESCRIPTION [[baseurl]] The URL of the directory where RAM-CMS lives. [[body]] The body of the page requested. For static pages, this is everything from line 3 down to EOF. For dynamic pages, this is the contents of $body [[copyright]] The copyright string. Set in config file as $copyright [[header]] The header of the page. For static pages, the second of the file. For dynamic pages, set as $header If the second line is left blank in static pages, the first line is used for both [[title]] and [[header]] [[nav]] This is where the navigation menu is inserted, everything in the file nav.txt [[site]] The name of the website. Set in config file as $site_name [[title]] The title of the page. This is the first line of every page file (in $pages_dir). [[updated]] The last update time of the page file. Determined based on the file modifcation time and the file creation time - the later of the two is used. [[ver]] The RAM-CMS version string.